GEORGIA PORTS AUTHORITY STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE FISCAL YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2021 AND 2020 (In Thousands) 2021 Cash Flows From Operating Activities: Receipts from customers and users Payments to suppliers Payments to employees Net cash provided by operating activities Cash Flows From Investing Activities: Purchases of investments Interest received Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Cash Flows From Non-Capital Financing Activities: Harbor deepening construction EPA truck engine replacement project Jasper port project office Roadway design Effingham County IDA - Blanford siding extension project Talmadge bridge air draft monitoring project City of Savannah water main project GDOT highway 25 bridge project Other receipts for non-capital projects Federal grant reimbursement Non-capital contributions Net cash used in non-capital financing activities Cash Flows From Capital and Related Financing Activities: Purchases of capital assets Proceeds from the sale of capital assets Crane demolition Capital contributions received Capital contributions repaid to the State of Georgia Net cash used in capital and related financing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents: Beginning Ending $ $ 585,767 (56,818) (211,551) 317,398 (1,910) 286 (1,624) (11,461) (1,343) (224) (853) (3,557) (2,459) (377) (1,798) 302 1,229 12,088 (8,453) (210,922) 570 (2,691) 3,583 - (209,460) 97,861 371,498 469,359 $ $ 2020 477,231 (104,164) (192,427) 180,640 (1,442) 4,706 3,264 (26,011) (950) (422) (603) (1,681) (518) (1,680) (11,030) 166 9,746 27,767 (5,216) (217,601) 599 - 14,578 (5,472) (207,896) (29,208) 400,706 371,498 16